
Single Subject Programmes (non-accredited)

On-Site Coporate Training

These programmes are topic specific and are facilitated over a short period.

The programmes can be combined or tailored to meet specific company needs.

There is usually an immediate and noticeable result following the training.

NQtac develops specifically tailored programmes for clients over a broad spectrum of subjects for a nominal fee. Please advise should these services be required for a particular subject.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic our courses are available both on-site and virtually through Zoom

This short course is essential for any organisation that deals with multi-cultural workplaces or customer/ guests of different nationalities. It incorporates language barriers, non-verbal communication and gestures, food and dietary requirements, expectations, religious and traditional beliefs, etc.

Suitable for anyone on any level who interacts with people, it is a very popular programme and many of our clients request it on an ongoing basis for their staff

This programme is short and punchy (in a non- threatening way). It cuts to the heart of what causes conflict and then deals with how to handle it in an encouraging and mature manner.

Although it is applicable to all staff, it is ideally suited to all levels of management and anyone who may need to deal with conflict in their workplace

This short programme is for anyone in the workplace and produces an instant result following the training. Immediate improvement is noticeable in appearance, manner and communication with other staff and guests.

This is not a fully accredited fire and safety programme as required by law for the Health and Safety Committee but it is a general course considered to be essential in the organisation for all staff to attend.

It deals with how to work safely, prevent accidents in the day-to-day workplace, and to notice anything that may be unsafe or threaten security. The purpose of the programme is to raise awareness amongst all staff on safety and security and also to ensure that every single person knows how to use a fire hose and extinguisher.

This short course has saved many organisations a lot of money!

A great short course for anyone who needs to mentor learners on a training programme. It deals with the role of ‘how’ to mentor, guide and assist the learners as well as the practical and physical aspects of completing documentation, offering support and giving constructive feedback.

It should be completed by anyone who will be acting as a mentor for learners or learnerships on an NQF programme.

A great short course for anyone who needs to mentor learners on a training programme. It deals with the role of ‘how’ to mentor, guide and assist the learners as well as the practical and physical aspects of completing documentation, offering support and giving constructive feedback.

It should be completed by anyone who will be acting as a mentor for learners or learnerships on an NQF programme.

A brief course on how to better manage time in order to reduce stress, it assists delegates to identify where they are wasting time and addresses how to rectify this often-crippling situation.

This programme is ideal for anyone who deals with multiple and varied tasks on a daily basis and struggles with trying to keep up. By learning how to be in control of a situation, rather than the other way around, it empowers people to manage their time, actions, and so reduce their stress levels.

This is a great programme for anyone who aspires to become an on-the-job trainer and we have had excellent feedback from clients who have sent their staff on it.

It has been very successfully implemented in a range of establishments and greatly assists with reducing extra training costs. It offers a practical step by step guide on how to identify training needs, develop effective training and coaching programmes to address the needs, conduct training, feedback and review, and complete the cycle

Brand awareness is often lacking with the majority of staff working in the organisation. It is typically understood by top and senior management and there it stops.

This programme takes a hard look at what your brand portrays and the message it gives out to guests. Once staff understand this concept there is usually a great mindset swing which improves many aspects such as team loyalty and guest satisfaction.

*We had a client whose profit margins showed an instant improvement through upselling, following reception staff attending this course

This is great for Receptionists who deal with guests usually on a face to face basis but also telephonically. Various practical and easy-to-implement upselling techniques are discussed giving the delegates different options depending on the situation.

Upselling skills should be a part of every F&B staff member’s toolkit. This brief course will impart some useful and practical techniques that the delegates can use in everyday situations.

Self-confidence and sales both improve – a win-win solution.

Different techniques are used to increase sales and profits through reservations. As one of the key income-generating areas in the organisation it is imperative that staff are able to sell the product to maximise profits and guest satisfaction.

This is an in-depth course directed to food handlers. It emphasises the importance of good food hygiene, correct methods and temperatures for food storage as well as the results of poor food hygiene.

A practical component of this programme reinforces the theoretical aspect, where possible, making it real for the delegates.

Many people have been left confused or debilitated by the COVID situation with displacement from their normal routine working environment. This could be working from home, reduced or extended work hours and even short time or flexi time schedules.

Very relevant in the current workspace, this short course assists delegates to find a balance in their lives, enabling them to function better, improve their morale and increase productivity.

A great short course for understanding and implementing EI with practical analyses and insights that delegates love. An improvement in emotional intelligence assists staff and management with team work, guest relations and interaction with others.

Although suitable for all staff, this programme is highly recommended for junior and middle management

This is a great course for flipping the workplace and getting your staff to understand what the guest experiences when they come to your establishment. This is literally an eye-opener for all staff on all levels and is appropriate for anyone in the industry.

Nearly everybody will need to make a presentation of some sort during their working life, be it a sales pitch, request for something, training, reporting on findings, budgets or information, and the majority are extremely nervous on how to go about it.

This 2-day programme provides a 4 step method to compile a great presentation, communicate with confidence, engage the audience and get the message across clearly. The delegates will do a presentation to the group at the end of the session.

A great course for organisations offering a butler service in that it covers a broad scope of topics over the 5 day session.

Delegates learn, for example, personal grooming and deportment, guest etiquette, professionalism, time management, guest profiling, how to room a guest, detailed and expanded product knowledge, appropriate (and inappropriate) conversations and interactions, guest privacy, confidentiality and discretion, and a host of other skills.

The programme concludes with a written test and practical simulation on Day 5.

Multiple session programme (6 days over 6 weeks/months)

Lessons in Leadership

Suitable for Supervisors to middle-management.

This programme is designed and developed by NQtac and is ideal for new supervisors to middle-management level. Facilitated over a period of weeks to allow the learners to absorb the concepts and apply the competence. A great bridging programme and a popular favourite.

A final research project in the workplace is done to complete the programme and earn the candidates a certificate of achievement.

1 day facilitation per module: 6 modules

Module 1
Communication and Leadership styles
Module 2
Time and Stress management
Module 3
Team Management
Module 4
HR: Coaching and Training
Module 5
Business Strategy
Module 6
Emotional Intelligence